Ladies, its time to revisit what the boudoir experience is all about.
The era has finally come when women have reached equity with men in just about every way. In fact, women now EARN more than men!
Congratulations, ladies. You've earned it. You now also recognize the struggles men have always faced, except you balance even MORE on your plate. Not only are you a competing and perhaps principal breadwinner of the family, you also wear the hat of wife, chef, mother, housekeeper, and wound-healer!
No wonder women treasure their getaway moments where they are soothed and pampered. Its hard being a modern woman. Full service salons are treasured, hallowed ground for good reason.
But our beauty conscious image saturated society does seem to play havoc with a woman's psyche. Have you ever had the nagging feeling you don't measure up? That while you're busy playing all the roles women have fought hard for, you are wondering if you are living up to the standards of beauty imposed on us by prime time TV and beauty magazines? Do you secretly worry about whether your guy's eyes hold the same fire for you as
they did when he first laid them on you?
That's a common experience for many women, leading to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
Ladies, its not that you don't measure up. Its that the images of glamour we are surrounded by are created by a crack team of beauty specialists. And your response might be, well *I* would look great too if I had that kind of team working on me. And you'd be absolutely right.
Thats why I put together my own crack team of beauty specialists and have created the INFINI Boudoir photography experience -- Hollywood glamour for ALL women. YOU can be a Hollywood starlet, or centerfold, or glamour magazine cover girl. You CAN.

And more importantly, you can feel great doing it. Our sessions start with no less than an hour of hair and make up primping by a staff that *loves* what they do -- making women look and feel beautiful. I love to look at my clients' shocked expressions when they see the result of that preparation. They have NEVER looked so beautiful, EVER. In fact, I too am always, always pleasantly surprised what my beauty team does with my clients. I love to see the final unveil right before we start shooting. Its an incredible experience for me, let alone for my clients.
Once we knock off a few shots and I show the client what they're looking like, they are again hit with a wave of delighted surprise. The lighting makes everything look different. Not until the lights and camera fire do they see what is actually being recorded. Its at that point that they slip into character, feeling beautiful and sexy and playing that part.
Ladies, sexy is about attitude. In the right lighting with the right wardrobe and make up, surrounded by a rich and lush environment, you become your own Marilyn Monroe -- the sexy girl within you is finally unleashed. For many of my clients it may well be the first time they've ever felt that way.
Here's a testimonial from two sisters who booked individual sessions:
Mary: I cannot express to you how much Denise NEEDED that photo session. She’s all giddy and cute about it.Denise: What you captured are the most flattering images of myself that I’ve ever seen – and you can’t possibly imagine how magical and therapeutic this whole experience was. You are a master - a true genius - with your camera! Have I mentioned HOW MUCH I LOVE THESE PHOTOS?!
Therapeutic? Yes. Because possibly for the first time, they have finally tapped into the inner reserve of what makes them feel like a woman. Sexy, provocative, indulgent, teasing, and desireable.
I do this for ALL women, no matter size, shape, age, or confidence. ALL women have the ability to capture that sense of style and glamour. Its just a matter of applying the INFINI recipe for stunning images formerly reserved only for Hollywood starlets.
Book your session today! You wont be disappointed. NONE of our clients ever have been.
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