Dear Dario,
I’m not entirely sure where to start. It is the day after my photo session and I still find myself at a loss for words. When we were researching photographers and came across your website, I found myself immediately drawn to your photographs. As I told you when I met you yesterday, there wasn’t a single photo on your site that I didn’t like. However, going in, I hoped to have some good shots, but quite honestly, I figured that I am 43 with bulges and sags I didn’t have 20 years ago and therefore, I didn’t think my photos would be as good as those on the site. I’ve been happily married for19 years and I knew that my husband would really like for me to indulge and have these types of pictures taken and I really wanted to be able to give him this gift.
My husband asked me afterward, what the shoot was like. The only way I could describe it was to say that during the entire shoot I felt appreciated. From the time that Kathy started applying my makeup, through all the work you and Lisa did to stage the shots, through the time that you spent at the end of the shoot, I felt appreciated and valued.
Late last night we received the link to the photographs. With more than a little doubt in my mind as to how the pictures would look, we opened the link…and there they were.
Through the first four or five pictures that scrolled across the screen, I found myself surprised. I thought to myself…wow that one was really good, and then the next would scroll and I’d think, that was one pretty good too! I glanced over at my husband and he had the best smile on his face. I turned back to the screen and realized that all the pictures were absolutely amazing. As I watched shot after shot scroll on the screen,
I realized that you had created these amazing images (just like the ones on your website) with me…for me.
I have to admit, as I watched, I couldn’t help it…I wept. I could see the great smile that you kept talking about (you see it’s just my smile, I use it every day, what could be so great about it?). I saw all the things that you encouraged me on and complimented me on. I never think of myself as beautiful, mostly just average.
I believe you have a giftand you found and captured so much of the essence of me. Of the 90 pictures we received, there wasn’t a single one that I didn’t like. Of course I liked some more than others, but seriously, I’m not sure that I have 90 pictures taken in the last 19 years that I can say I really liked. You were able to crush that in a few hours.

Thank you seems inadequate.
I want to take a minute and also thank your team. Kathy was absolutely amazing with the makeup and hair for the photos. When I saw myself in the mirror the first time, I actually thought to myself, I’m not sure who this person is. With my heavily lined eyes and false eyelashes (a first for this 43 year old!), I wasn’t really sure. I really had to step out and put my faith in the professional. What I saw in the photos was that it really was me there, under the shadow and lashes. Only, my eyes glowed and the expressions were more pronounced. The images were made more powerful by Kathy’s artistry, using my face as a canvas.—A million thank-yous Kathy!
Lisa wore many hats yesterday. I especially appreciated her coaching and encouraging throughout the process. I tell you, I passed my nursing boards, but nothing was more complicated than, pop your hip, but don’t bend your leg, keep your toe pointed at the camera…oh yeah, and smile! Her “styling” made each photo the most flattering they could be. Between Lisa and Kathy I knew that all of those little things would be caught; straight laces, hair lying just right. I could relax and enjoy the shoot, or just the ride around as she pulled the bathtub or couch with me on it! Thank you Lisa!
Your team is outstanding! It is no surprise to me that you have a 100% customer satisfaction. During the shoot, nothing is more important than the client. I feel honored and privileged to have the opportunity to experience this with your team. Since I really have no better words,
let me just say a heartfelt and grateful…thank you.
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